An Important News
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An Important News

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

1Corinthians 15:20

But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm64[/bible];[bible]0Mark8[/bible];[bible]Numbe11-12[/bible]

One day, a local newspaper of America aired a very intriguing question in one of their columns.

Dear Uticus,

Our pastor said at the time of Easter, Jesus only fainted on the cross and then His disciples took care of Him so that He got well and recovered. What do you think?

Yours sincerely "Confused"

Columnist replied:

Dear "Confused"

Ask your priest to giving his bet, can he get through 39 lashes with spiked whip, then crucified, being hanged on the cross for six hours under the sun, then has his stomach spear, get him down and balm him, put him in a musty tomb, then see what will happen. Sincerely, Uticus.

From the story above, there is an important thing that makes Christianity different to other beliefs and religions in all around the world. When you stand ahead the tombs of the prophets of any religion, you will find the bones or even dusts. However, in Christian, you will find an empty Jesus’s tomb, for He has risen from the dead and defeated the death. Through His death and resurrection, everyone who believes in Him is saved.

This is what makes the resurrection of Jesus becomes a message which is important, and also why He has many opponents throughout all along the history. The devil knows that Christ's resurrection is the proof of his defeat. He also knows that when someone believes in Him, through Jesus’s death and resurrection, then that person will be saved and his life restored. Because of the importance of this news, the devil tries to hinder the spread and make those who hear this news to be blind and deaf.

By the time of Ester, God wants to remind us how important this gospel: the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. If we believe in Him and have already been saved, let's share this good news to everyone we meet.

If you feel that the salvation you have received through Jesus Christ is valuable, share it with others.

Ikuti Kami