The Importance of Sabbath
Kalangan Sendiri

The Importance of Sabbath

eva Official Writer
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The Importance of Sabbath

Exodus 20:11
“For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.”

Bible Reading for a year: Psalm 142; Johannes 19; Zechariah 4-6

Nowadays, there are many people who get depressed even have problems in health physically or soul. One of those causes is the lack of someone’s understanding of the importance of Sabbath.
People in the end of days are working so hard in order to get wealth and welfare. Moreover, they keep working on holiday for extra earnings; such as Saturday or Sunday.
If we looked back at genesis, God had given a good example to human being that on that seventh day or Sabbath, He stopped from His creation work, blessed His creation and hallowed it.
It means that as His creation, human is not only following what things that God have already showed, but also obeying His rule not to work on the seventh day because God has created such amazing life systems whereas human and animals do not need to work for a day in a week as well. (Exodus 23:12)
For a while, working without any pause will have been looked great but it is just tentative. Some bad impacts would be emerged as long as the increase of works, such as physically and emotional.
Breaking time must have not taken from human life because that is God’s way in order to get balancing in all system organs that God created. Without it, everything would be a mess. It means, if human do take much rest than work, it would cause problems instead.
All rules that God made for human, including stop working at Sabbath aims for human goodness.

Source: jp simamora
Tag keyword: Sabbath, stop, day, work, holiday,Lord, Jesus, Allah, law, healthy

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