Learning to Feed Ourselves
Kalangan Sendiri

Learning to Feed Ourselves

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Hebrews 5:12

By this time you ought to be teachers.


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]prove16[/bible]; [bible]galat5[/bible]; [bible]iichr4-5[/bible]


The eaglets were hungry, and Mom and Dad seemed to be ignoring them. The oldest of the three decided to solve his hunger problem by gnawing on a twig. Apparently it wasn’t too tasty, because he soon abandoned it.

What intrigued me about this little drama, which was being broadcast by webcam from Norfolk Botanical Garden, was that a big fish lay just behind the eaglets. But they had not yet learned to feed themselves. They still relied on their parents to tear their food in tiny pieces and feed it to them. Within a few weeks, however, the parents will teach the eaglets how to feed themselves—one of their first survival lessons. If the eaglets don’t learn this skill, they will never be able to survive on their own.

The author of Hebrews spoke of a similar problem in the spiritual realm. Certain people in the church were not growing in spiritual maturity. They had not learned to distinguish between good and bad (Heb. 5:14). Like the eaglet, they hadn’t learned the difference between a twig and a fish. They still needed to be fed by someone else when they should have been feeding not only themselves but others as well (v.12).

While receiving spiritual food from preachers and teachers is good, spiritual growth and survival also depend on knowing how to feed ourselves. — (JAL/RBCIndonesia.org)


Without learning to feed ourselves spiritual food, we cannot grow to be a mature and healthy spiritual man and woman.

Ikuti Kami