The Fruits of Words
Kalangan Sendiri

The Fruits of Words

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Proverb 13:2

A man shall eat well by the fruit of his mouth, But the soul of the unfaithful feeds on violence.


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm72[/bible]; [bible]0mark16[/bible]; [bible]numbe27-28[/bible]


The tongue is a hidden part of the body, yet the most dangerous. Many people reap bad fruits simply because they do not guard their mouth. However, some of them reap good fruits because of their own words. God made everything with a good purpose.

Nothing God created that has bad purpose. May your tongue be an offering to bless a lot of people. The Scripture says: “Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so.” (James 3:10)

How to guard the tongue and speak only words of encouragement? It’s by guarding the heart.

Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. (Proverb 4:23)

Heart is the source of life. When you are happy, speaking words of encouragement is definitely easy. But how it could be during the depression or facing troubles? Could you say words of encouragement in that situation?

When you are able to guard your heart, then you can guard your mouth. It’s because what comes from mouth comes from the heart. “Put away from you a deceitful mouth, and put perverse lips far from you.”(Proverb 4:24)


No matter what your situation is, just guard your heart and speak the words of encouragement.

Ikuti Kami