The World Wide Web
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The World Wide Web

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Ecclesiastes 2:13

I saw that wisdom excels folly as light excels darkness.


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm122[/bible]; [bible]iiijo1[/bible]; [bible]ezeki46-47[/bible]


Brewster Kahle has a vision for the Internet. He dreams of universal access to all human knowledge. As Digital Librarian and Director and co-founder of Internet Archive, Kahle believes we have only begun to tap the vast potential of the Internet to change and improve our world.

 “My interest,” he says, “is to build the great library…It is now technically possible to live up to the dream of the Library of Alexandria.” He’s referring to a huge vault of writings in ancient Egypt that was said to house all the world’s knowledge.

But knowledge is not the same of wisdom. King Solomon was a man of vast knowledge ([bible]iking4:29-34[/bible]). In his better moments, he used his God-given capacity to collect information and insight from every corner of life.

In unguarded moments, however, he showed that all the knowledge in the world does not keep a person from missing the purpose of life ([bible]eccle1:16-18[/bible]). In spite of his knowledge, Solomon married many women, and when he was old he built altars to their gods ([bible]iking11:1-11[/bible]). His foolishness eventually led to his downfall.

Wisdom is the application of knowledge. Don’t get caught in a web of knowledge without true wisdom that comes from the fear of the Lord ([bible]prove1:7[/bible]; [bible]prove9:10[/bible]), because true wisdom is in living near Jesus every day. And true wisdom is in walking where He shall lead the way.


Wisdom gives wings to knowledge.

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