Need Preparation
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Need Preparation

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

2 Timothy 2:21

Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work.


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm121[/bible]; [bible]iijoh1[/bible]; [bible]ezeki42[/bible]


Shortly after he received his inauguration, Indonesia’s 7th President Joko Widodo told people how it felt to be number one in this nation. To the press, the man popularly known as Jokowi said, “I never dream I would be a president. It is called destiny.”

Reacting to the statement, I think about the process he was going through from being a furniture entrepreneur up to a mayor of Solo. Jokowi’s success in leading Solo is his starting point for him to be considered as a great leader. Later, he was elected governor of Jakarta and today he is Indonesia’s president.

Isn’t it interesting? Jokowi was previously going through process before he receives greater capacity. When it comes to God’s plan for everyone, the Bible writes a lot about preparation. The sixth day of the Jewish week is a day of preparation. King David made a lot of preparation to build a House for God, even though he knew that he would not build the house himself (baca [bible]ichro22:5[/bible]).

And so did Jesus when He decided to start His ministry. He had prepared for it for years. However, he already knew the reason why He had to come to earth, before the ministry began. He had to go through a process of growing, developing, and educating with endurance before He started His mission.

But many times we so hurriedly ask for our desires that we miss God’s plan in our life. We forget that it takes a process to get to a point. We should go through the process: build an intimacy with God, listen to Him, learn from Him, grow, and finally be ready to be used by God according to the calling He gives in our life.

No one reaches the best without a great preparation.

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