Half Full or Half Empty
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Half Full or Half Empty

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Numbers 13:27

Then they told him, and said: "We went to the land where you sent us. It truly flows with milk and honey, and this is its fruit.

Bible Reading for a Year  Psalm 117; I John 1; Ezekiel 40-41


A half-empty glass or a half-full glass is the way someone sees a situation. This case can be a simple test of how we see life. Positive and optimistic people would see the glass as half full, while negative and pessimistic people would see the glass as half empty.  

The Bible also tells us the same concept in Numbers 13, when Moses sent out 12 people to spy out the land of Canaan. It took the spies 40 days to find out that the Promised Land was really the land flowing with milk and honey. However, 10 spies had different opinion. They were sure that mighty giants lived over there, and the Israelites were like grasshoppers. ( Numbers 13:28 )

But what’s interesting is Caleb and Joshua’ opinion was different from theirs. They kept their faith in God; trusted Him to be with them and they would take the Promised Land. Unfortunately, their optimistic attitude was ignored by Moses and the Israelites, and they had to spend 40 years in wilderness before entering the land.

Though they were ignored, Caleb and Joshua kept their optimistic attitude. Both of them deserved to enter the land of Canaan after 40-year of staying around the wilderness. Their faith is what a half-full glass means. They keep God’s promises even though they seem impossible. On the other side, the negative attitude of 10 spies is loser mentality. Today, let us learn from Caleb and Joshua’s positive attitude and let it be applied in our life.

Standing firm in the faith shapes different point of view.

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