Blessing or Cursing
Kalangan Sendiri

Blessing or Cursing

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version James 3:10 Out of the same mouth proceeds blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be. Bible Reading for a Year [bible]prove27[/bible]; [bible]phili4[/bible]; [bible]iichr12-13[/bible] Do you want to have life full of blessing or cursing? The choice is yours. Why? The verse above tells us that everything out of the mouth has its own fruit, depends on which word we say. Life is reflected from what the word we say; bad words lead to the negatives. We can say that bad words put us in the bad label, as well. One, twice, and even more?speaking bad words will be the habit and hurt other people. Be careful which words you speak of; do not say the bad words. Because every word is powerful enough to bring either blessing and victory, or bad luck and cursing. Use your tongue to speak the blessing and word of joyfulness so that it can remove sadness and despair, and spread the joy. A tongue cannot control itself; rather the owner of it can. Consider every word that speaks out of your mouth. Use it as a chance to bless and spread the joy.

Ikuti Kami