More Blessings
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More Blessings

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

I Kings 19:4

And he prayed that he might die, and said, "It is enough! Now, LORD, take my life, for I am no better than my fathers!


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]prove6[/bible]; [bible]0john16[/bible]; [bible]ichro25-26[/bible]

There is a tale about a king who wanted to test his people. It is told that he deliberately put a stone in the middle of the road. The first man passed by. When he saw a big stone before him, he grumbled and turned around. Then the second man passed by. When he saw the big stone, he groaned and then turned around. And then the third man came. When he saw the big stone, he thought for a while, then he put the stone aside so that it will not be an obstacle.

Having known the occurrence, the king invited the third man to his palace. He gave the third man big prize. What is the point of this story? The point is, everyone can choose to step back, keep away, or face challenges. However, there are hidden blessings behind the challenges which we have coped with. 

In I Kings 19, Elijah mourned for adversity he was facing. He wished he could die rather than resisted the temptation. God indeed cared about Elijah. He sent His angel to provide food and drink for him; not only to fill Elijah, but also to strengthen him going through the adversity and let God’s work happen in his life.

Repeated tests and temptations may make Elijah, and us, want to die. But remember that God provides help and hidden blessings behind them. - SL

There will always be God’s blessings behind every test.

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