Carrots, Eggs, and Coffee
Kalangan Sendiri

Carrots, Eggs, and Coffee

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Psalms 119:67

Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep Your word.


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]prove3[/bible]; [bible]0john13[/bible]; [bible]ichro18-19[/bible]


In life, we face many inevitable events that may frustrate us. But everyone has his own response in facing stress.

After a father listened to his daughter’s story about her stressful life, he brought his child to the kitchen for he was a chef. Then he put three saucepans filled with water on a stove and prepared carrots, eggs, and coffee. Later, he put all of them into boiling water in each saucepan.

“My daughter, do you know that you have learnt something from these three substances?”

His daughter curiously shook her head. Then the father explained that each saucepan on the stove represented the pressure of life, and carrots, eggs, and coffee were three types of men. From the strong ones, the carrots turned weak. On the contrary, the tender, thin-shelled eggs became hardened. But the most unique one is the coffee—when they were in the boiling water they produced aroma and the water inside became tasty and refreshing.

“And so it is with life. Pressure can make you weak like the carrot or make you tough and bitter to life like the egg, or you can be like coffee that turns to aromatic and delicious water. The choice is yours—how would you react?” the father explained.

How about us today? Do we react to pressure of life like the coffee that gives positive impact on the surrounding people, or like the carrot and egg that influenced by the circumstances? Let us make the right choice!

Pressure can come from any sides, but we can control how we respond, whether well or badly.

Ikuti Kami