Not as Orphans
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Not as Orphans

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

John 14:18

"I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.

Bible Reading for a Year [bible]prove2[/bible]; [bible]0john12[/bible]; [bible]ichro16-17[/bible]

When He was about to leave His disciples, Jesus said touchingly, “I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.” (John 14:18). These words came not from an ordinary relationship, but an intimate one—between parents and their children.

Even though it took only 3 years, Jesus’ intimacy with His disciples was undoubtedly very close. Whether it’s in the morning, afternoon, and at night they were always together. They ate and drank together, walked together, took a rest together, and spent the night together, as well. Here Jesus was as a protector and a keeper for His disciples. And He also gave them advice and became the right example to them.

Jesus’ words also show us that He knows what it’s like to be an orphan. He understands what a child would feel without a place to rely on; without a person who takes care and guards him; and even without a person who directs his way and becomes an example. Jesus really understands that when He leaves, those situations will occur. That is why Jesus does not let it happen and He gives a Helper for His disciples: the Holy Spirit.

In this week we are celebrating the ascension of Jesus into heaven. The ascension of Jesus into heaven does not mean He is no longer with us or His guard ends, or His example is gone. He indeed stays with us as long as we live in His words. Therefore, erase all fears and worries of this life and set Jesus as our example.


When we have fear and worry, we will not realize how Jesus is always with us.

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