How Honest Are We?
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How Honest Are We?

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Proverbs 12:22

Lying lips are abomination to the Lord: but they that deal truly are his delight.

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Prove2[/bible];[bible]Revel8[/bible];[bible]Esthe7-8[/bible]

The Woman's Day magazine made ​​a survey to more than 2000 people in order to give their opinions on how honest their selves. When asked, "How honest are you?" 48 percents said that they are very honest, 50 percents said they are quite honest, and 2 percents admitted that they are not too honest.

From more than 2000 people, 68 percents admitted that they are using office supplies for their personal need. And 40 percents admitted that they would cheat on tax if they knew that they will not be caught.

It is just like Ananias and Sapphira , they must have thought that no one will know if they are dishonest (Acts 5:1-11). But in fact, far from their expectations when Peter met with both of them in different times and revealed that they have lied before the Holy Spirit. Suddenly they were killed in front of Peter.

God wants His people being holy so that He can use His people to be an example to those who do not know Him. As stated by an expert Bible G. Chambel Morgan, "the holy Church is a church that is full of power. The only power (can) make the church is being in the presence of the Holy Spirit. "Holiness Church will make testimony spread widely, so that many souls will be won.

Let's be the honest people and reflect the holiness of God so that our lives can be used by God to be His witnesses.


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