God has made everything fit beautifully in its appropriate time, but he has also placed ignorance in the human heart so that people cannot discover what God has ordained, from the beginning to the end of their lives.
Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm149[/bible];[bible]Revel5[/bible];[bible]Esthe3-4[/bible]
I have a huge scar on my leg. I got it when I was hit and dragged by a motor cycle. That scar was so deep. I still remember how it happened, how I was suddenly awakened at the hospital, and how worry my parents was at that time.
I also have a scar on my heart. It was caused by many things; disappointment, bitterness, betrayal, sadness, being left by beloved people, and others. I am sure that you also have a same scar on your heart though it has different size.
However, the wound on our heart can be healed. Though its scar still exists, it does not give us any pain anymore. Otherwise, it apparently gives us strength, lessons, consolations, or memories.
These scars recall us of many things. Though it is bad, it may give us an understanding; for example, how God could help me to go through that situation, how many people care for me, how the impacts for me. Everything happens for the goodness.
If you have the wound that already healed, look at how God wrapped your wound at that time and be thankful. If you are still having a wide wound, look to God and be thankful. Everything happens for the goodness. I believe, it does not matter how big your scar is or how deep your scar is, God must have healed it.
Sometimes, time is needed to have the wound healed. But, once it becomes a scar, then it would not be painful anymore as it happens for the goodness