Don't Look at the Past
Kalangan Sendiri

Don't Look at the Past

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Proverbs 4:25

Let your eyes look straight ahead, and your eyelids look right before you.


Bible Reading for A Year [bible]psalm110[/bible]; [bible]ipete2[/bible]; [bible]ezeki25-26[/bible]

For many times, we experience events that create scars in heart. Whether it is intimidation, injustice, humiliation, hate, ignorance, persecution, sexual abuse, or else. As a result, we become a brokenhearted, desperate, and inconsolable person.

Do you know that Satan always use these circumstances to obstruct progress and avoid believers to experience fulfillment of God’s promise? For your information, Satan always tries to recall bad occurrences from the past so that we are haunted by long term trauma. As a result, we always feel guilty, unworthy to come to Him, and finally, our mind is filled with negative thoughts.

When Christians’ heart hurts, they start to feel disappointed, offended, angry, bitter, resentful, depressed, apathetic, and finally, doubt God’s power. Hence, we should change such attitude. Do not reflect on your past, but your future, instead. God never looks at how your past was, rather, He looks at the end of your journey with Him!

Your past never brings you to the victory.

Ikuti Kami