Using Each Talents
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Using Each Talents

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

2 Timothy 3:17

That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm140[/bible];[bible]0John17[/bible];[bible]Hagga1-2[/bible]

In the film Chariots of Fire, the Olympic runner, Eric Liddel said, "I believe that God created me for a purpose, but He also made ​​me fast, and when I run, I feel that God is happy." Later on he said, "Stop running means humiliating the Lord."

Like a proud parent, God is pleased to see us using the talents and abilities that we have. God intentionally gives us different talents. Every time we utilize our talents and skills for positive things, then it would be a kind of worshipping God.

The worshipping God is not only about doing things that are "spiritual" only. Everything we do in using our talents is to glorify God and that is a kind of worshipping which pleases God.

Instead, every time we hide our ability or underestimate the abilities and talents that God has given in our lives, it grieves the heart of God. Since it is similar to underestimate God, Himself. We reject His beautiful design for our lives.

Today, let's use all our talents to glorify God. Earnestly do what God has entrusted in our lives, for the Lord and not for men.


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