Being Connected
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Being Connected

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

John 8:31

To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm127[/bible];[bible]0John5[/bible]; [bible]Jerem32-33[/bible]

As a journalist of online media, accessing internet has become one of my ultimate job descriptions. Unfortunately, I could not access it at office for these few days, whether since some problems happened to the network or the fiber cables.

Those problems really bring the impact on my job. I could not post my articles on time and I had my time wasted since could not work efficiently.  As a result, in order to overcome it, I had to find other alternative ways to access the internet even it was not easy.

This illustration also depicts our relationship to Father. As a disciple of God, we surely should keep accessing His presence every morning so that our souls are fed up and satisfied. By doing this and since He is our creator, our souls then will be active and work.

However, unfortunately our relationship with God is sometimes not connected well. There is a moment for us to read the Bible every day, but sometimes we are lazy to practice it. As a result, it does not make our relationship with God balance.

The words of God is alike an internet for our relationship with God. When we are being connected, then everything will work smoothly. In order to acquire this, we need to maintain and keep doing it by learning and having a commitment. It is not easy but it will give great impacts. Our souls will be always new and our lives will be changed day by day. The key is always being connected every day. Therefore we may see and experience how wonderful God’s work in our lives is. We eventually know that truth will make us free.

When we are being connected, then everything will work smoothly. In order to acquire this, we need to maintain and keep doing it by learning and having a commitment


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