Only Temporary Crowns
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Only Temporary Crowns

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Hebrews 11:16

But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city


Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm126[/bible];[bible]0John3[/bible];[bible]Jerem50-51[/bible]

A fish will never be happy living on the mainland because it was created to live in the water. A hawk will never be happy if it is not allowed to fly high because it was created due to be above the height. Likewise, we will never be satisfied on earth because we were created for something higher, it is about living together in eternity with God.

It is a fatal mistake if we assume that the goal of our life is determined by God is material well-being or success and become popular. An unlimited living “abundantly" that God means with material abundance and faithfulness to God is not a guarantee of success in career and ministry as human’s perspective in general. Do not ever focus on temporary crowns.

Paul was faithful, but he ended up in jail. John the Baptist was also faithful but beheaded. Millions of faithful followers of Jesus who was martyred, lose everything and ended their lives with not boast anything. But it is not the actual end of their lives.

In the eyes of God, the great heroes of the faith are not those who achieve success, prosperity, and power in this temporary life, but who treats life as a temporary assignment and live it faithfully until one day they are called back to their home, the heaven. Are you one of those people?

Success according to this world is only temporary crowns, let us pursue the eternal and everlasting crown that God has already provided for us.


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