To Underestimate the Birthright
Kalangan Sendiri

To Underestimate the Birthright

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Genesis 25:32

Esau said, “I am about to die; of what use is a birthright to me?”

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm125[/bible];[bible]0John2[/bible];[bible]Jerem28-29[/bible]

As a first child, Esau actually has a very special birthright. Compared to Jacob, he got the blessing more from Isaac. But, unfortunately, he does not really understand the privilege status in the family.

As you know, when he had just come home hunting and hungry, with no load it, he would take for granted the birthright that he has. Although his age is not young anymore, he made it as an excuse, but that's not actually the reason why it pushed him to do it.

Then what? The answer is simple that is because Esau underestimated the status of his birthright. He did not really think it's something important that needs to be maintained and preserved. So, when he was inhaling the cooking red beans, his heart and mind immediately drawn to things which are less important.

In our lives, without our knowing, our behaves are just like Esau. Although we already knew that we are the children of God and have the privilege of His kingdom, we often assume that birthright is something unusual. So when the pleasures of the world to come, we are easily caught and entered into it.

God is not pleased with this kind of behavior. He wants us to maintain and respect our rights as His children. Because this is as the way we respect and appreciate His grace.

Do not ever want to change your status as the children of God with anything.


Ikuti Kami