The Benefit of Having Wisdom
Kalangan Sendiri

The Benefit of Having Wisdom

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Proverbs 2:4-5

and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm94[/bible];[bible]0Luke15[/bible];[bible]Danie5-6[/bible]

Everyone needs a good life and a better life further. We may get it by pursuing wealth, happiness, trying to find spouse, pursuing position so that people around you may look at you or even pursuing joy which is temporary.

When all things have already been achieved, people usually feel satisfied with its result although it is only temporary. Then, they get confused whether they still feel the emptiness. Some of them keep pursuing what they think it is important but they eventually do not get it.

Do we realize that we have a great guidance book whose name the Bible? The Bible says; let us pursue wisdom of God as it has many benefits. Pursue that wisdom as we pursue the wealth, then its wisdom would make us knowing God.

Our knowledge of God makes our life perfect. Just look at the next verse in [bible]Prove2:6-12,16[/bible]. We get help, we have a shield, we have our roads maintained, we understand the truth, justice and honesty, even every good path. Our souls will be pleased and we are released from the path of evil.

If all good things in life can happen while we are pursuing wisdom, then isn’t wisdom worth to pursue more than everything, such as gold or even silver? Is it more than a jewel?

Who is the owner of wisdom? The owner is God. So that the person that should be looked after is the owner of that wisdom, He is God. Pursue Him and He will pour His wisdom upon us and rest assured that our lives will be blessed incredibly and we even become a blessing for others.

Pursue wisdom more than gold or jewels then it will turn around giving us all the good that can happen in life.


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