Kalangan Sendiri


eva Official Writer
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1 peter1:14-16

Like obedient children, do not comply with the evil urges you used to follow in your ignorance, but, like the Holy One who called you, become holy yourselves in all of your conduct, for it is written, “You shall be holy, because I am holy.”

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible][/bible] [bible][/bible] [bible][/bible]

“I really dream of having a life filled with holiness, but when I am always faced with temptation, I sometimes forget about my last repentance." It is often spoken from the mouth of Christians.

Very sad to hear it, when we get any temptations, Christians sometimes do not act in holiness as if we had not received a calling from Jesus yet to do His will.

Sometimes we do not realize that we have assumed the identity as a person who sanctified by God. We live our daily lives with our own willingness as if the Lord is silent, in fact we know that God is not pleased with what we did. This is one of problems for Christians so they ultimately can not grow.

Please always remember the identity that Lord Jesus gave when He called us in our ignorance ([bible]ipeter1:14[/bible]). He can help us to live in holiness. Our challenge is to fight against forgetting or 'pretend' to forget when we are in troubles. Please appreciate His calling by doing things that are pleasing in God's eyes.

By remembering how precious and wonderful to live with Jesus, then we will be able to leave the unholy deeds and continue to grow.

Ikuti Kami