God Can Use Anything
Kalangan Sendiri

God Can Use Anything

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

2 kings 4:2

Elisha replied to her, “How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?” “Your servant has nothing there at all,” she said, “except a small jar of olive oil.”

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Prove27[/bible];[bible]Phili4[/bible];[bible]iChro12-13[/bible]

Do you still remember a story where Elisha healed water just with salt in Jericho? Or when he threw the flour in a cauldron of death to rescue a group of prophets that had food poisoning, also when Elisha threw a piece of wood to take the eye of an axe fell into the river? Or maybe when he saved a child just laying himself down on top of the child?

Elisa used many ways and used what may exist in his surrounding at that time and what he did, God made it successfully. The same thing happened when Elisa visited by a widow of a prophet who died, who was in a state of destitute because her two children about to be taken as a substitute for debt. By the only oil that she had, the widow can be freed of debt.

We often get stress when problems squeeze us. We feel like there is no way out but God always has a way out for us. Sometimes, the way out is around us even problems that we face can be a stepping stone for us.

What we need to do is just close to the Above. God can open the way when there is no way. God can use the problem be a stepping stone, God can use anything to give us relief. What we need to do is to draw near to Him and learn to be fear of Him.

Then we will see the result, if we are like to that widow, we can sell that miracle oil and have the best solution. "Go, sell the oil, pay your debt, and live on the rest, thou and thy children." Said the prophet Elisa. So go and do what is yours and God will be doing His part and you will live on the rest, you and your children.


Problems which come means that there will be a miracle that happens in our lives which can save us. The condition is keep relying on God and God can use anything to save us.

Ikuti Kami