Stop Complaining
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Stop Complaining

eva Official Writer
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Philippians 4:4

 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Prove24[/bible] [bible]Phili1[/bible];[bible]iking11-12[/bible]

In a sermon on July 2006, Rev. Will Bowen of the One Community Spiritual Center Church, Kansas, United States, was calling for the movement to stop complaining. He then distributed a purple rubber bracelet to each member of his congregation. The rules were simple; the bracelet should be worn continuously for 21 days in one wrist. And as long as they wore it, they should not complain. If it was violated, then it should be moved to the other wrist and the number of days counted back from the beginning.

Now, the rubber bracelets have been scattered in some countries of the world. One of the main factors that this rubber band was so famous because many people who have felt positive changes quit complaining since running this program, especially in their relationships and cooperations with others.

Humans are apparently more prone to complaining or grumbling than grateful; it is much easier to see less things than good things in life. For example, we can look the people of Israel. God's love and safeguarding to them for being in the desert so clearly-from sending a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire to guide them, to send quail and manna for their food - but they still love to complain.

This attitude is actually useless and God is not pleased. Therefore it must be resisted; should not be obeyed, and do not let this attitude becomes a habit. How? Only focus your mind on the good things in life, and try to always say positive - AYA

Complaining and thanking are only about a choice. If both of these things are confronted to you then do not hesitate: choose to always be grateful!

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