The Source of True Happiness
Kalangan Sendiri

The Source of True Happiness

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Psalm 25:13

His soul shall dwell at ease. His offspring shall inherit the land.


Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Prove13[/bible];[bible]Galat2[/bible];[bible]iking7-8[/bible]

There is no true happiness in this world. A happiness that offered by this world is only deceitful. Earthly people often measure happiness from much or less money that owned or abundant assets, position/status and also the popularity. In fact, all of these can not guarantee someone to obtain happiness.

Don’t we often read in newspapers that many public figures (artists or officials) get frustrated, try to kill their selves, use drugs or promiscuity just because they only feel emptiness in their lives? In fact, they have already had richness and popularity.

Please remember that the source of happiness is only God! And sin has caused many people lose their happiness. The first men were driven out of Eden just because of sin/transgression so that they lost their happiness.

As the result, all people use many things to get happiness back, even though they use wrong ways to get it back and are not appropriate to God’s will. When they are getting harder to obtain it by their own strength, then they are getting trapped in devil’s deceits which offer much deceitful happiness.

World with all of its sparkles becomes a soft lure for those who are thirsty of happiness. Many people are complacent and are getting far away from the source of true happiness.

So, anyone who wants to get happiness must have a heart that fear of God by doing His words as His words is the truth that can bring and lead us to gain happiness.

Ikuti Kami