Man in His Limit
Kalangan Sendiri

Man in His Limit

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Matthew 25:21

“His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a few things; I will set you over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Prove13[/bible];[bible]Galat2[/bible];[bible]iking7-8[/bible]

Every human being has a limit and life limit. To the extent that life comes, human being lives with all that he could do. Some of them can live without any concerns for tomorrow, some of them can live in accordance with all the knowledge he had acquired, applied, and really live based on what he got from his spiritual life.

Every human being with all their limit looking for and trying to find the best as possible as well. They may do this for their selves as a possible motivation, to those people they love, to the people around them, or even to God.

Life that we're going through is same with what Jesus says in Matthew 25. Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven is like a person who wants to go abroad. He left his property to his servants. They were given five, two, and one talent. Five and two talents can flourish doubled, but the servant who was given one talent just keep it in the ground.

In bringing a given task, we should be kind and faithful. Talent that has been entrusted, should we promote and develop. Refreshes our ‘marketing strategy', renew our minds, renew our ' spiritual software’ so that we can present a pleasing life to Him, that is good and faithful.

Keep upgrading your life and what you have until we can present our pleasing lives before Him.

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