To Achieve the Blessing by Faith
Kalangan Sendiri

To Achieve the Blessing by Faith

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Ephesians 1:3

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ


Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Prove6[/bible];[bible]0John16[/bible];[bible]iChro25-26[/bible]

From the past, now and forever God is good. The real evidence of God’s goodness can be found in the verse above where God has provided all the spiritual blessings for His children. That means that all we need, such as peace, joy, victory, abundance and so forth has already been in our lives.

But it will not be realized in our lives if we do not do our parts. So there is a part that God is doing, but on the other hand there are parts that we have to do. Many of us just focus on the existing situation every day: we feel weak and helpless, sick, live in deprivation and other negative things. We still do not realize that God has provided great things for us.

So, what should we do so that the Lord's blessings can be ours? Dispose of all the negative words that bring fear for our lives. If we continue to be haunted by fear, then it will destroy our own lives.

Then, how to activate God's work in our lives? Faith activates God to work. Therefore we must live by faith every day and expect positive and good things happening in our lives.

Start a new day by directing your eyes to the Lord explicitly! Expecting something big and good happen every morning! If we truly believe in God, nothing is impossible for believers; faith changes nothing into something.


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