The Determinants of Future
Kalangan Sendiri

The Determinants of Future

eva Official Writer
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Proverbs 18:4

The words of the mouth are deep waters but the fountain of wisdom is a rushing stream.

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm140[/bible];[bible]iiCor13[/bible];[bible]iiSam7-8[/bible]

How far your achievements in life depend on how you behave gently to the youngsters, to the beloved elders, sympathetic to those who are struggling, and have a tolerance to the weak and the strong. As someday in life you will experience all of it ~ George Washington Carver.

I admire that statement for years. It reflects a view that is easily forgotten in the schedule demands and dizzying deadlines.

It's easy to be a short-minded person and who think that moments like this will last forever. But those who maintain friendships with wisdom would tend to be gentle, loving, sympathetic and tolerant than those who think that the world centered on him.

Wisdom will bring deep thoughts and also stability.

When we turn the ark of life with compass wisdom, we may not miss all the storms, but we have the strength to hold on to deal with it. We even can deal with unexpected things without fear of drowning. Has the wisdom of God already become a part of your life?

The words of the mouth are deep waters but the fountain of wisdom is a rushing stream - Proverbs 9:10

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