Young People Who Fear of God
Kalangan Sendiri

Young People Who Fear of God

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Proverbs 22:6

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm136[/bible];[bible]iiCor9[/bible];[bible]iChro8-10[/bible]

By the rapid development of this era nowadays, most of parents are getting anxious to what would happen to their children. Moreover, these things should have become their serious concerns. One thing for sure is, young people always bring up to date to any trends surround them either positive or negative.

God wants young people to continue living in the truth. Social interaction is needed indeed; however they should live in healthy and positive circumstances. By whom they are connected with, it would influence their characters.

If they make friends with those who are smart, fear of God, commit worshipping God faithfully, being active in ministry or other positive activities such as sports, then they would be just like their friends.

Otherwise, if they make friends with those who have bad attitudes: smoking, playing truant, hanging out at night, promiscuity, drugs, then they would be just like their friends.

To have fear in God, young people should put the values of God’s words since they are young, because words of God is the most powerful filter and shield to standing firm in our positive circumstances.

Teaching words of God and overseeing their social interaction is the start point to build up the future of young people!


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