To Switch The Focus
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To Switch The Focus

eva Official Writer
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Psalms 16:8

I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm126[/bible];[bible]iCori15[/bible];[bible]iSamu18-19[/bible]

In his book "Your Best Life Now" Joel Osteen tells the story of a man named Brian, he was in 40s late and felt that his life has been falling apart. One day a friend who cared about him giving him advice:

"I love you, friend, but you need to stop focusing on all the negative things; quit looking at everything that is missing from you and start to see what is still there in you."

Brian's friend then challenged him, "Start to believe that everything will be better, not because you deserve it, but simply because God loves you!"

Many people miss the opportunity to enjoy the best thing that God has prepared for their lives as they continue to focus on the problem. Stop limiting your life with your own perspectives; change your focus, and keep your eyes on the Lord.

God is very interested in our perspectives, what we see with our spiritual eyes. If we look to the Lord, then we can see His works in many ways and in all situations of life for the good of us. Keep your eyes on His infinite power and His unstoppable love for us, then the miracle would be real in your life and mine.

If you focus on problems, you only get whopping. Keep your focus on God and experience the victory.

Ikuti Kami