Kalangan Sendiri


eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Isaiah 61:7

Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm87[/bible];[bible]Roman15[/bible];[bible]Deute21-22[/bible]

Setu church was demolished, after the congregation worshiped there for a dozen years. Not only suffered material losses, they would feel the pain when the sense of having as if has been taken from them. Although only a building, they find God there.

All of us must have experienced a sense of loss. Maybe some of them have loss tens of millions, maybe less from it but that's all the money he had. Some of them might have loss ones they loved: family, friends, girlfriend, or maybe a spouse. Maybe they loss love and they know how the pain is. Some of them may loss the joy as squeezing burden. We all feel the loss, something that can not be avoided.

When our precious things as if seized, we cry, scream, sad, miserable, or other negative feelings. Even some of us become mad or stressed. The world seems to take our precious belongings, but there is the most precious thing that we do not let the world taken from us.

God's love poured out, that's the treasure. His love is able to provide everything we need. We only had this thing, then everything will be added to us. Being focus on His love and let its love surrounds us. Give all what is in us then His love will flow profusely, like the flow of water soothing our soul.

If we should be humiliated, harassed, insulted, even spat as God and the work we do for His name, remember instead the Lord will give the double inheritance, even the everlasting joy will be ours.

Sense of loss can make us lose focus on the incredible love of Jesus. Therefore, whatever happens, pursue the love and our souls will be cooled.




Ikuti Kami