Giving Thanks without Feelings
Kalangan Sendiri

Giving Thanks without Feelings

eva Official Writer
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Bible Reading for a year: [bible]Psalm79[/bible]; [bible]Roman7[/bible]; [bible]Deute5-6[/bible]


Ephesians 5:20

always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.


A few days ago, my washing machine in my house was broken. The drying machine that used to spin, now it does not work. Therefore, every time I finished the washing, I have to throw up my energy, and then vigorously squeeze the wet clothes. Of course, this situation makes the washing and drying take longer time. “If only this drying machine worked well, I would never do it with difficulty,” I grumbled.

A few minutes later, I realized. I never give thanks for the machine when it works well. Why should I complain for the broken machine, when I don’t give thanks when it is not broken? Since then, I stopped complaining about the machine.

God wants us to always give thanks in all circumstances ([bible]1Thes5:18[/bible]). The problem is, we too often face the circumstances which everything runs ‘too normal’, until we have no urge to give thanks. However, if we always count on our feelings to give thanks, we may never get any chance to do so. So, start considering ‘normal’ things that we have, and give thanks for them.

The human’s problem is not how many the hardships he suffers from, but how many the goodness he does not give thanks for.

Ikuti Kami