What Are You Looking For?
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What Are You Looking For?

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

John 6:51

I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”

Bible Reading for A year:[bible]Psalm78[/bible];[bible]Roman6[/bible];[bible]Deute3-4[/bible]

At the beginning of Jesus' ministry, there are a lot of people follow Him wherever He goes. But when approaching the time of His crucifixion, those men left Him, and only a few of His disciples to remain with Him.

They used to surround the Messiah because there is an interest, there is someone who want to be healed, to hear His teaching, to see the miracles, others who want to just get to eat and there is also a hope of Jesus to be the hero who freed them from Roman ‘s rule.

While Jesus healed the sick, but the true healing occurs after He was crucified, died and rose from His grave. He heals people from the deadly disease, which is sin. Jesus does give food to thousands of people, but His main purpose to come to this world is to give them spiritual food and drinks which not only makes them full, but take them to safety. Jesus did come to be liberators, but instead liberate Israel from Roman invaders, but to liberate mankind from Satan's rule.

Today, do we become the followers of Christ who seek blessings, healing power and physical freedom just like the followers of Jesus whose thousands? If all that we are looking for, then as thousands of Jesus’s followers at that time, we will be disappointed as the road that Jesus has been going through is the cross.

For that, let's explore our hearts and fix our motivation to follow Christ, remember that what Jesus gave to us over than all the physical blessings that we can feel at this time, because God gives heaven and eternal life for those who believe in Him.

If you follow Jesus for only seeking His blessings of body, one day you'll be disappointed. Follow Him because of His love.


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