You are Unique
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You are Unique

eva Official Writer
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Exodus 4:12-13

Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.” But Moses said, “Pardon your servant, Lord. Please send someone else.”

Bible Reading for A year:[bible]Psalm77[/bible];[bible]Roman5[/bible];[bible]Deute1-2[/bible]

In his book, Find the 'Sweet Spot' you!, Max Lucado writes: "Do not worry about the skills that you do not have. Do not want the forces belonging to someone else. You just need to develop your uniqueness and do it to make great things for God. "

When God sent Moses wanted, many doubts arise in his heart. Doubt that the nation of Israel will accept him as God's messenger ([bible]Genes4:1[/bible]). Doubt that he can speak as a leader ([bible]Genes4:10[/bible]). He said, "Ah, Lord, send anyone who deserves to be sent" (verse 13), so that God was angry to hear him because he keeps stalling.

Moses was not as smart as her brother to speak {[bible]Genes4:14 [/bible]). Yes, although they are brothers, Moses and Aaron have different capabilities. However, if each of them does their parts, then they can fulfill God's desire.

There are many Christians hesitate to go into the ministry because they thought that they did not have the talent of others. The Spirit of God apparently gives to each of us special gifts / typical / unique ([bible]iCorin12:7,11[/bible]). What we need to do is to find our uniqueness and do the best work we can achieve only for His glory.

Sometimes we do not realize that our uniqueness is precious. We often see others able to do something that seems difficult for us. And conversely, there are definitely things that are easy to do, but it may be difficult for others. May God be exalted by each of our uniqueness. AW

There is so much work to do in the Kingdom of God, let's do our every part faithfully

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