Rejoice At Work
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Rejoice At Work

eva Official Writer
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Philippians 4:4

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]ichron16:7-36[/bible];[bible]Psalm16:1-11[/bible];[bible]Psalm32:1-11[/bible]

How does it feel working at market or at fish market? Many of you mostly answer, “It’s not good!” “It’s uncomfortable!” or even, “Why I should work at that nasty place?” however, when you are visiting the fish market of Pike Fish Place at Seattle, Washington, the United State, you never find those you have imagined before. Though, that’s a bit wet, as like its name, the fish market, you never find any rubbish messed up everywhere.

In addition, you will not see any employees grumble and serve the buyer snappily. Otherwise, fish-guys who work there create the cozy work situation. They do not serve buyers whom often style in suits by conventional ways. They-do not be surprise-throw those fresh fishes to one fish guy to others while playing a joke, “a fish flies from X to Y.
x and Y are names of city in the United State. As a sequence, they feel excited and so do buyers.

The words of God teach us to rejoice always, including at work. We can not beat off the black clouds spreading over our head, but we can erase those clouds which hung on our faces. Is it true? Smile!

Whatever your hands found to be done, just do it utmost.

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