The Incorrect Request
Kalangan Sendiri

The Incorrect Request

eva Official Writer
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1 Samuel 8:19

But the people refused to listen to Samuel. “No!” they said. “We want a king over us.


Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm70[/bible];[bible]0Mark14[/bible];[bible]Numbe23-24[/bible]

Kelly is a single lady. She is really dreamt of spouse. Moreover, her age has already been 30’s, and all her colleagues have almost been married. She always keeps praying, begging God to be met with a man. However, all of her prays and efforts were just in vain. Until, one day she meets a man in a department store. Both of them love each other, and they decide to have a relationship for 3 months and then get married.

Kelly knows that her decision is risky as in fact, she does not know exactly who the man is. Her parents, relatives, and friends had asked her to consider her decision again. But, all of their advices as if are being clammed by her dream to get married.

The big day has just arrived. Kelly eventually gets married. Everything is running well in the beginning, until 6 months later, her household is messed up. Kelly only regrets by her old decision.

It also happens to Israel. They want a king because other nations have it [bible]iSamu8:5[/bible]. Samuel has reminded them by the risk of having a king among them [bible]iSamu8:11-18[/bible]. However, they constantly insisted him. God eventually let them have a king [bible]1Samu8:22[/bible]. The history notes that it was the beginning of their fall. Saul had been failed as the first king of I. After Salome, that nation has been split end. Even the worst is, they were thrown away to Babel.

Therefore, be cautious with your wish. What we are dreaming of, it is necessarily not blessing though, but disaster.

God, do not give what I want, but gives me the best.           


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