Stop Judging
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Stop Judging

eva Official Writer
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Romans 2:1

You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Matth7:1-5[/bible];[bible]Roman14:1-12[/bible];[bible]Roman2:1-16[/bible]

“Don’t judge a book by its cover”. Many people often mention this term in stickers, bookmarks, Facebook status and Twitter, even graffiti. However, for its term is being mentioned too often, then it’s only considered as meaningless and worthless.

There was a lady attending her friend’s wedding. By seeing her friend’s groom, then that lady told her lover, “Oh my Gosh, Honey, take a look that. How ugly that groom is. She must have been affected by pellets. I am wondering why my friend is just into him. “A few times later, that lady and her lover were on a line for meal, she heard that some people who were next to her whispering, “OMG, that man is handsome, but not with his girlfriend. He must have been affected by pellets, so he is just into that girl. When that lady was turning back, she saw that people who were whispering turned their faces out of hers, and then she realized that those people were talking about her and her lover.

This often happens to our daily lives. Sometimes, someone’s life is much more interesting to us, so that we can not stop gossiping and talking about them, without we realize that we have already judged them by only what we know. “She is very spoiled! She must never live hard.” “Get pregnant while still young? It must be an accident!” “OMG, that boy looks like a girl. He must be gay!” We do not realize that sometimes our judgments have hurt their heart.

Brethrens, have you once imagined if you are one of those people who had you judged? What if today, you heard someone else talking about you without know the truth? It’s hurting you, isn’t? Even, some of you never accept that situation and get angry. So, that’s how their feeling when you judge on them. Jesus says, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Matthew 7:1-2. We are not merely the most right in this world. So, is our right to judge the life of others?

Stop judging other people if you do not want your life judged.

Ikuti Kami