Taking the Day Off From God
Kalangan Sendiri

Taking the Day Off From God

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

1 John 1:3

We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.

Bible Reading For A Year:[bible]Psalm67[/bible];[bible]0Mark11[/bible];[bible]Numbe17-18[/bible] 

A NBA basket veteran, Grant Hill has declared that he never stop working out, though there is no game. Having a day off only makes his basket skill decreasing. “I can’t take a day off working out for a week. If I take a day off for a day, I feel that my skill has been decreasing,” he said.

It also happens to Christian when he takes a day off from his relationship with God. He definitely feels something decreasingly. We will lose His guidance and fellowship out of His words that we can feel by prayer. We are going to ignore the priority and get drown to restricted area which can lead us to the havoc.

In fact, we often follow our own willingness indeed and ignore the fellowship with Him. Whatever our status and condition, keeping a relationship with God is a must. The relationship which we have with God will make us to love our fellows precisely. As taking a day off from our relationship with God, it only makes our soul being weary and meaningless.

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