Being Wrecked For Pleasant Situation
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Being Wrecked For Pleasant Situation

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Matthew 4:10

Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.

Bible reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm56-57[/bible];[bible]0John6[/bible];[bible]Revel6[/bible]

Convenience is everything. A department store will have many visitors if they have such convenient situation. Customers bank will be waiting for their queue patiently if they had sofa seated conveniently. Clothes will not be thrown away though it is already well-thumbed and ragged if we have it conveniently.

Unfortunately, convenience is not always profitable. Convenient life without problem is actually an opportunity for devil to take over our lives, so that we do not need searching for God, as all things we need have already been provided for us easily. When we always have successful works without any hard work and relying on His power, then it will be difficult for us to getting thirsty and hungry in God. If anything we plan always happen correctly, then it will be uneasy for us to bow down before Him, to interfere with and to ask Him some miracles. So, when we are lost, convenience will become a small thing that can wreck big thing.

When devil offered the kingdom of world along with its magnify, Jesus refused to knee down before him ([bible]Matth4:8-10[/bible]). To get rid of us from God, devil does not need to try hard persecuting us. As we are more radical when we have our selves persecuted. The devil only needs tickling us a little bit more through our excessive convenience. Be cautious to convenience that can make us away from God!


Convenience which comes from God will take us close to Him, not vice versa.


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