Gara-Gara Erina Gudono, Ratusan Orang Indonesia Kirim Email ke University of Pennsylvania
Sumber: Hannah Beier/Bloomberg (Getty Images)

News / 23 August 2024

Kalangan Sendiri

Gara-Gara Erina Gudono, Ratusan Orang Indonesia Kirim Email ke University of Pennsylvania

Aprita L Ekanaru Official Writer



I am writing to inform you that hundreds of Indonesians have been sending emails to your staff, especially at the School of Social Policy and and Practice (SP2), expressing serious concerns regarding one of your newly admitted students, Mrs. Erina Sofia Gudono, who has been accepted into the MSc program at the school.

Mrs. Gudono is a member of a family deeply intertwined with a dictatorial regime in Indonesia. This regime has been responsible for significant suffering and turmoil within the country.

Given these circumstances, I would like to respectfully urge the University of Pennsylvania to reconsider its decision to accept Ms. Gudono into the program. I also request that the university review any scholarship offers that may have been extended to her.

I believe, it is crucial that the values of the university, which emphasise social justice, align with the backgrounds and actions of its students.

Furthermore, in a time when Indonesia is experiencing severe social and political unrest, largely due to the actions of her father-in-law, who is attempting to manipulate the law to favor her husband's eligibility for a regional leadership position, Ms. Gudono continues to publicly flaunt a lavish lifestyle, seemingly oblivious to the struggles of the people.

Please consider those emails as important messages that merit attention. I trust that University of Pensylvania will take consideration as it thisinformation into upholds its commitment to ethical standards and social responsibility.

Thank you.


BACA JUGA: Ribuan Buruh dan Mahasiswa Demo di Gedung DPR Tolak Revisi UU Pilkada


Dengan situasi ini, kita diingatkan kembali bahwa kebijaksanaan dan keteladanan adalah dua sisi mata uang yang sama dalam kepemimpinan. Semoga ke depan, setiap langkah yang diambil oleh para pemimpin dan keluarganya bisa lebih mencerminkan nilai-nilai tersebut demi kebaikan bersama.

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