A Prayer with Authority

Latest News and Events / 7 May 2018

Kalangan Sendiri

A Prayer with Authority

Lusiana Official Writer

The Bible teaches us that when we pray, we are actually making a request in God’s name. This means that we have the same authority as Jesus when He was praying to Father in heaven. Long time ago, in the past, we had to rely on intermediaries like a priest in order to express our prayer to God, because we were not worthy to be in His presence. But as the new men of today, we take on a new robe, which grants us a new authority to our prayer, and thus there is no more barrier that limits how far and when we can pray to the Lord.

The old condition for prayer (as we can see in Ephesians 2:1) dictates us to pray for conditions or issues like illness or financial needs that can be deemed critical and urgent.

“By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” – Hebrews 11:3

This has served as the main principle for Sahabat 24 to serve thousands of people with millions of issues they are struggling with every single day. Every counselor of Sahabat 24 is already trained and embedded with the belief that what is seen has happened from what is not seen. All crew of Sahabat 24 call this faith. But we need to stay away from, as fear behaves much like faith, the only difference is the source or the origin from which they are summoned forth. Faith comes from the Lord while fear comes from the devil. If you want to pray for other people but you are still hesitant to do so on your own, Sahabat 24 will always be ready to assist you. In this opportunity, we woul also like to ask you to join us and participate in the ministry of Sahabat 24 by becoming a CBN Partner.

The contribution and participation you made through monthly donation as a partner will all be used by Sahabat 24 to serve the needs of many people in this nation who are in need of support by prayers with authority. Fill in this form below or send us a message in this format JC # Full Name # Email to 081.5965.5960. Be a part of us today and don’t forget to confirm your donation.

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