Be Strong in Our Weakness
Kalangan Sendiri

Be Strong in Our Weakness

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Judges 14:5-6


"So Samson went down to Timnah with his father and mother, and came to the vineyards of Timnah. Now to his surprise, a young lion came roaring against him. And the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him, and he tore the lion apart as one would have torn apart a young goat, though he had nothing in his hand. But he did not tell his father or his mother what he had done."


Bible Reading for a Year: Psalms27; Matthew 27; Genesis 3-4.


The Book of Judges tells the story of Samson, a man who anointed by God and endowed with extraordinary power, more than other normal humans. He could even kill a lion with his bare hands. Samson had tremendous physical strength, but unfortunately he has weak heart.

Just like Samson, each of us has a weakness or rather a weak point. Did you know that God allow every human being has a weak point to show how we really need Him and have to surrender totally to Him? When we bring our weakness in the presence of God, we will have a more intimate relationship with Him. But if we let the weakness control our lives, then it can destroy us.

Samson’s weakness was his uncontrolled desires. Although he grew up in a family who feared God and had a clear call to serve God in his life, Samson let his heart be controlled by his desires. Samson exchange the privilege of serving the Lord and becoming the leader of Israel with a sexual appetite to Delilah, whom makes his life ended in disgrace—became a slaves and jokes to his enemies.

Today let us look into ourselves, find out what our weaknesses are. It could be lust, insecurity, fear, greed, money, careers and much more. Know yourself, and see what your weakness. Bring weakness before God, like David who humbles himself before God, confesses his sin and guilt, and allows God to bind up any wounds and weaknesses so that he can be restored and used by God. God can use our lives to be his instrument even if we are weak; we just need to bring it to his hand and let Him take control of our lives so that His power enables us to walk in the paths of His victory.


God is not looking for the perfect or flawless individual; He is looking for a humble person who wants to admit his/her weaknesses and relies entirely on him.

Ikuti Kami