Engraving a Name
Kalangan Sendiri

Engraving a Name

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Romans 14:7-9

For none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself. For if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s. For to this end Christ died and rose and lived again, that He might be Lord of both the dead and the living.


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm14[/bible]; [bible]matth14[/bible]; [bible]genes27-28[/bible]


Shaw was an Indian missionary. Though he was sent by The Salvation Army into area of leprosy, he was not afraid at all. When he arrived, he asked a guard to release chains of 3 lepers before him. But the guard refused; he said that it was insecure to release the lepers since they were villains.

Then Captain Shaw told the guard, “I will be responsible for what they are going to do, but their sufferings are more than enough.” Humbly, Captain Shaw knelt down and gently released their chains. In addition, Shaw treated their ankles and arms wounds.

Days went by, and two weeks later Shaw had a night trip. Therefore he had to leave his family at home. When he was walking, Shaw remembered what the guard said of the 3 villainous lepers—they would endanger their surroundings if they were released.

The next morning, Shaw’s wife opened the door and she was so surprised looking at 3 villains sleeping in the front of her house. When she asked them why they slept there, they replied, “We know the doctor was outside, so we started sleeping last night to guard you.”

The story of Captain Shaw is encouraging. If you do everything with love, you will receive goodness. No matter who they are—though they are villains—they can repay you good for good. Never stop loving other people. Engraving your name in other’s heart is better than on the tombstone.


Doing good deeds for other is a momentum for engraving our names in their heart.

Ikuti Kami