Face the Book
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Face the Book

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Psalm 119:20

My soul breaks with longing for Your judgments at all times.


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm10[/bible]; [bible]matth10[/bible]; [bible]genes19-20[/bible]


Once upon a time, Jonathan Edwards, an American theologian poured out his heart as he faced with a moment to re-look at the Bible or Face the Book. He said, "More than any book, I love the Bible more, and this feeling grows in my heart. Many times when reading it, I feel that every words touch my heart. I feel the harmony between something in my heart with the beautiful and powerful words of the Bible. I see so much light that comes through every sentence, like tasting delicious food, that I stopped reading it".

 “I often spend a lot of times to meditate a sentence from the Bible, just to see the miracle inside, but actually every sentence in the Bible is filled with the miracle.”

Today’s bible reading also reminds us of how the psalmist poured out his great love of God. The words he used show how great his love of God is. “I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies, As much as in all riches...I will not forget Your word... My soul breaks with longing For Your judgments at all times... My soul keeps Your testimonies, And I love them exceedingly.”

Expression from the psalmist and Edwards show how important, useful and good word of God for our lives is. So in the middle of the pale of our spirituality, our fading discipline and our drying longing, be still to look back at the Bible or Face the Book. Let's ask God to put a deep longing for the more intimate with God through His Word.


The Bible brings you to grow and love God more and more.

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