I Forgave My Mother's Murderer

Family / 5 February 2014

Kalangan Sendiri

I Forgave My Mother's Murderer

Yenny Kartika Official Writer

Gloria Oey could not help that her mother’s tragically dead. Her mother was stabbed five times. Gloria could not understand why her mother should die such way, as if it was God’s will. Gloria’s grief turned to hatred after realizing that the murderer was Yudi, a chef that worked with Gloria’s mother.

When she met him in jail in Taman Sari police officer, Gloria bombarded Yudi with questions. “He replied with no, no, and no…” Gloria recounted. “So why are you so sadistic? Don’t you realize that you were born to a mother, as well?” Gloria bombarded Yudi with the questions.

Her mother’s death made her fear. She always checked whether the door locked. She inspected the whole house, from the first floor until the third one. However, Gloria finally realized that she could not let fear control her mind all the time. So she decided to come to God.

“I asked God to erase all the memories—everything about my mother lying on the floor and covered in blood. I asked God to remove it and I decided to forgive. I knew that as long as I brought the memories, I could not forgive him sincerely. By reminding the memories, I always imagined bad things happened to the murderer…” Gloria said.

Forgiving Yudi who had murdered her beloved one was not an easy decision to Gloria. She struggled for 3 months and asked God to strengthen her. “At that moment, I realized that I had been forgiven by Lord Jesus. He forgave all my debts and sins. So why didn’t I forgive a man who actually did not know the truth? At that moment, in spite of reluctance, I mentioned his name, and I said to God, “God.. I have decided to forgive this man..!”” Gloria told that she triumphed over hurt and hatred.

On a particular day, Gloria visited Yudi in jail and she forgave him right in front of him. “Yudi, I want you to know that I have decided to forgive you,” Gloria told Yudi. When she said the sentence, Gloria was relieved. “I did not have to take my burden away. I did not have to live with hurt and bitterness anymore. I threw away that rubbish, and since then, I lived in freedom; it’s only by God’s love and the blood of Jesus.”

Years after that event, Gloria learned that everything has been set by God in the perfect time. People should use their time as well as possible, to share love with others. The second lesson is about faith. “Even though we do not understand when things happen in our life, we don’t have to keep questioning and lose faith and doubt God. I believe that Lord Jesus reigns over His children’s life,” Gloria ended the testimony.



Gloria Oey

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