The Beginning of Bitterness
Kalangan Sendiri

The Beginning of Bitterness

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Hebrews 12:15

looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled;


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm50[/bible]; [bible]0acts22[/bible]; [bible]levit10-11[/bible]

A heart will be bitter when we are far away from the grace of God and do not cling to a right tree. A hurting heart bears bad fruits, as well. They consist of violence, abuse, both through words and acts.

One of my friends has been hurt due to her workplace. She considered how hypocrite those who worked there were. Regardless of whether her point of view was subjective or not, she was really convinced of it. As a result, her heart was full of bitterness.

Insult, humiliation, and scorn were part of her life. No wonder that she became an angry woman. There was no peace and she hurt others even more.

Everyone has weaknesses, and sometimes those are a stumbling block to others. However, we have to keep our heart stable regardless of what people may treat us. Getting closer to God allows us to realize that our Creator always makes things beautiful, even beyond the worst and the most evil ones.

Release yourself from bitterness and get closer to our Creator. Let God heal our broken heart and enable us to forgive the people who wronged us, and we apologize to people who we had hurt. Let our life grow and bear the sweet fruits, tasted by God and others.


Being realized that we need God and long to close to God will avoid us from getting hurt; instead, we will bless people who wrong us and let them know the love of God.

Ikuti Kami