Would You Be Mine?
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Would You Be Mine?

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Isaiah 43:1

Family of Jacob, the Lord created you. People of Israel, he formed you.
He says, “Do not be afraid. I will set you free. I will send for you by name. You belong to me

 Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm42[/bible];[bible]0Acts14[/bible];[bible]Exodu33-34[/bible] 

There are many ways to express love for those we love in Valentine Day. Every year the printing press releases variety kinds of romantic card designs; flowers, cupid, lips, or heart. Actually, there are 3 ways we should notice in revealing our love, ‘I love you’, chocolate, flowers, or anything!   

However, none of them could resemble the most wonderful love message which ever stated in John. “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life” (John 3:16)

Yeap, here is God’s love expression which He blew up through the Bible – and the core of His entire message is about love! His love is unconditional and covers all things. He is always waiting on you; a moment where He hugs you and be near to His heart while whispering, “Would you be mine?”

Would you accept the most special Valentine gift today? For it had already been sent to you since 2.000 years ago, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He really desires on giving His love to change your ordinary days into Valentine Day anytime!

Before giving our loves to others, we need to accept and experience God’s love, the Source of Love.



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