Plain Salt
Kalangan Sendiri

Plain Salt

eva Official Writer
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Mathew 5:13

“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet"

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm29[/bible];[bible]Phili1[/bible];[bible]00Job38-39[/bible]

Today all things related to culinary has become the trend. Everyone seems vying for searching and tasting various types of countless cuisine. But you know, no matter whatever the food is even with different recipes, salt is one of the main ingredients.

In addition to flavoring food, salt used to preserve something that has to die in order not to rot and smelling. Food without salt will taste plain.

The Bible says that the existence of believers in the midst of this world as a 'salt'. It is uneasy duty and responsibility. The existence of believers as the 'salt of the earth' is highly required in this dilapidated world.

Being the salt of the world is same to give the testimony to others. Unfortunately, only a few people do not believe can be the salt of the earth because his life related to the world; still compromise with sin so that it is hard to distinguish which one is the believer and not.

If salt has lost its savor, it means certainly has no functions and unuseful things. Plain salt is salt that has lost its functions. It will just be discarded and trampled by people. We become useless to God and to humans. This situation is so embarassing!


Ikuti Kami