Have A Good Heart
Kalangan Sendiri

Have A Good Heart

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Proverbs 22:4

Have respect for the Lord and don’t be proud. That will bring you wealth and honor and life

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm22[/bible];[bible]Matth22[/bible];[bible]Genes43-44[/bible]

In a relationship, sometimes sweet memory does not always come and there are times when we must deal with conflicts. Every one surely wants everything is going well so that they can work comfortably. However, we can’t get rid of conflicts. It may happen to our colleagues, boss, or business competitors. Furthermore, conflict also can break apart a friendship.

Conflict possibly happens as long as it relates to fellow-beings. Moreover, it could be worse when the situation is not good enough. For example, our spouse asks for shopping-spree when our financial is not really good or the children need our concerns while we are busy at work.

Those things are so heartbreaking and sometimes it pushes us to take a short way. We wish those problems well-fixed but it does not.

Problems always related to our heart and what steps we will take. If we take a decision when we get angry, then it would not be maximal. The problem is our actions or decisions do not generate a good thing.

So, when problem comes, do not be pessimist, selfish, emotional, disappointed, or other negative things. Just try to think sober and positive. Learn from fear of God and humility as what Jesus has already done in daily life and see what we will get; wealth, honor, and life.

In all your ways remember Him by humility and fear of God, then we will get wealth, honor, and life.


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