A True Story of A Man who Forced His Wife and Children to Drink Insecticide
Sumber: jawaban.com

Family / 25 November 2013

Kalangan Sendiri

A True Story of A Man who Forced His Wife and Children to Drink Insecticide

Yenny Kartika Official Writer

In the beginning, Septa hoped that her husband could be her protector, best friend, partner for brainstorming—yet she never got those roles acted by her husband. Not only disregard her, her husband also abused her.

“My wife kept me at a distance, so our communication was about to end. Though we shared house, we lived in different room,” Yustivianus Mangunsong said.

Before getting married, Yustivianus had always hated his parents. “Every time I did good things, there’s no compliment at all. Once I made a mistake, I got a punishment.” Not only that, Yustivianus later stepped into bad community. He was grown up in the street, committed free sex, gambled, smoked, and drank alcohol.  

“I appreciated her less; I had no example of good husband and father since I’d never seen those in my life. Hence, in my marriage, I did what is considered a good behavior, but actually that hurt my wife’s heart,“ Yustivianus told his story.

Since she could not bear anymore, Septa wanted to divorce. However, Yustivianus fed his wife and children insecticide, instead. “I threatened her so that she didn’t talk about it anymore.”

Having been married for seven years, in 2001, Yustivianus finally did his most hated thing—the same thing that his father has ever done to his mother. He beat his wife. Then, he was interrogated by police due to his act.  

“I was so disappointed to my wife, particularly because the case was reported to the police. I was so embarrassed. But then I could only surrender because I finally regretted my behavior,” Yustivianus said.

Septa cried and felt afraid of carrying on with her marriage. While she was praying, she saw a filthy woman with ragged clothes. She thought that the woman was herself. At that very moment, she immediately apologized to God and her husband. She phoned her husband whom was at office.

“Dad, please forgive me,” Yustivianus mimicked Septa’s words at that time.

“I was once silent, I could not believe whether the one who talked was my wife or not, because that I never heard that gentle voice, except when we used to date,” he said.

Yustivianus then attended a seminar about real men, and he got new understandings that he’s never had before. “What happened in the past were my mistakes. I used to think that it was not my fault, but it’s my wife who always insisted. Moreover, I hurt her too much, I judged her, ‘You never do this, you never do that,’ actually, and that was my mistake.”

“When I was healed, I apologized and started an action. My wife was healed as well. She was recovered, and now our relationship becomes so sweet,” he said.

Today, they can communicate well. Yustivianus serves as a good listener to his wife. “Nothing is impossible before God, God is able to reunite us, even bind us with His bond of love, and we can love and serve each other,” Septa said.

“Love is a decision, not feeling. If you love people with feelings, you can hate later. But if your love is based on decision, even though you are hurt, wounded, disappointed, you’ll be able to love,” Yustivianus talked about the lesson he got from the seminar.

“I know, without God who heals my household, today I’m not with my wife and children anymore, because I know for sure, that nobody could ever unite us. All things have been broken, nothing…”

Yustivianus never imagines that he will get a beautiful and loving family. Septa never expects it, as well. Only Jesus can heal their family, and yours, as well.



Yustivianus Mangunsong

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