The Judgment Day and the Authority of Isa Almasih

Kata Alkitab / 31 January 2013

Kalangan Sendiri

The Judgment Day and the Authority of Isa Almasih

eva Official Writer

Revelation 21:8

But those who are full of fear and without faith, the unclean and takers of life, those who do the sins of the flesh, and those who make use of evil powers or who give worship to images, and all those who are false, will have their part in the sea of ever-burning fire which is the second death.


The judgment of God or what so called the end of days or the end of age can not be separated from the moment of Jesus Christ arrival or Isa Almasih.

His second coming or Isa Almasih is not similar to the first. At His first arrival, Jesus came down from the heaven as Spirit and God’s sentence who became a baby in Mariah’s womb whose mission is to deliver human from slavery and sins.

However, later at His second coming, Jesus or Isa Almasih who sits in the right side of the Lord will come down from the heaven with His maids (God’s angels) to judge and punish human and devils on this earth.

At His second coming, the dead people will be risen and will be judged with those who still alive.

His second coming will be attached by the moment of dead people resurrection. The Bible says the resurrection will happen in twice ([bible]0Acts24:15[/bible];[bible]John5:29[/bible]).

The first resurrection is the resurrection of right peoples ([bible]Revel20:4-6[/bible])

To those who love and respect Jesus or Isa Almasih will definitely be released from punishment, are allowed living with Him together and even are given the wages as the persistence of their faiths.

The second resurrection is the resurrection of bad peoples ([bible]Revel20:11-15[/bible])

While those who are doubt even reject and hate Jesus Christ in their hearts physically and spoken, they will be punished and thrown away to the hell with devils and its angels.

Those resurrections are separated in a period of 1000 years ([bible]Revel20:5[/bible]). Its period is called as the kingdom of 1000 years. In the kingdom of 1000 years, God’s government or Lord Jesus will emerge obviously unto the earth. Every right peoples will reign and rule with Lord Jesus.

In the first resurrection, there had already happened the first court for believers and those who love Jesus Christ. The court which happens before the throne of Christ's judgment will be held in order to determine the wages or allotments of for their hard work or persistence while they are living on earth and not to determine whether they come into heaven or hell because they believe wholeheartedly and be loyal to Jesus's sacrifices, death and resurrection.([bible]Revel20:4-6[/bible];[bible]iiCor5:10[/bible])

While in the second resurrection, there had already happened the second court. This court is for those who do not believe and against Jesus. Those who are still alive and are risen from the death will be risen and judged before the throne of Majesty as they refuse to be saved and their bad deeds before Him. ([bible]Revel20:11-15[/bible])

In this second judgment or court, they receive the policy of eternal punishment unto their sins while they are living on earth.

After that, earth and sky will be made as new by Him and heaven will cover a new world. Lord will lower His holy city, a new Jerusalem on the new world. In the new Jerusalem, He will dwell with His people forever. ([bible]Revel21:1[/bible])

If we still read the good news and the truth, means that God still gives the chance to all of us to open our heart and receive Jesus Christ, the begotten Son and make Him as our God and Savior. So that we receive His forgiveness and redemption, and receive His Holy Spirit so we are born again and be His beloved children. Is there anyone knows whether today or tomorrow be your last day?

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