The Status of Our Spiritual
Kalangan Sendiri

The Status of Our Spiritual

eva Official Writer
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Psalms 100:3

Know that the Lord Himself is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture.

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm80[/bible];[bible]0Luke1[/bible];[bible]Jerem26[/bible]

A young boy is playing a robot. It is cool. It has wings and can change into a car. That red robot looks great and awesome. However, it is actually moved by hands of a young boy.

Sometimes we forget that our lives are not ours. There is a hand which creates and guides us to be a better person and even more than better. That’s God’s hands. But sometimes we are against Him. We prefer walking according to our will.

When our status as children of our parents, then we have to obey their rules. When our status as an employee, we have to do our duty and we will get the rights. Even when we become a boss, there are duties that we have to fulfill in order to get our rights. And that happens when our status belongs to God.

All of us belong to God. We are created only for God. Welfare, earthly prestige, power, and our greatness will be faded away. And when we make them as our priority, our lives will be in vain.

Therefore, make God as the priority in our lives and try for the best as well so that His blessing will come upon you. But we have to remember that we must glorify God and make Him as the priority in our lives. Know therefore that He is the Lord; there is no God like Him. He created us and we are His flocks.

Our status as children of God brings us to get remarkable grace in our lives. However, that status also makes us realize that this life is not ours, therefore do what make The Owner, our God pleased on you.

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